Ephesians 4:11-14
Verse 13 …until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
The shield Paul was referring to was not a small piece held in front of the chest, it was more like a soldier holding a door in front of them. It is something which could protect them from head to toe and right to left. This is the kind of faith we need to be using as our shield for life. We can’t be satisfied with a faith which protects us sometimes or just here and there in life. If our faith is too small it will only be helpful in some places and we will become weary moving it from here to there to protect us from the arrows of the enemy.
Paul was helping his friends in Ephesus understand a Christian walk and the need for them to see a small faith only affects parts of our life but God is wanting a bigger faith for us, a faith which is so big it influences and protects every single portion of our lives. When we hold faith in Him for our finances, He can prove Himself faithful there. If we are holding faith in Him in our relationships we will see Him working in those areas of our lives. He is faithful but we will only see it in the portions of our lives where we hold onto faith in Him.
In a faith in God which encompasses our entire lives we will find we are covered and ready for the attacks of the enemy no matter which direction they come from. We should desire this kind of faith because it places us in the best situation for the war we are in for God. It should help us remember this battle isn’t ours but His and we should be focused on being where He needs us to be in order to fight for Him.
The shield Paul was envisioning also had the option of connecting with the soldiers who were going into battle side by side. This allowed them to go into battle like a wall, maybe even as a group having the middle soldiers raising their shields to act as a covering or canopy to protect them from flaming arrows which came from overhead. Paul was using this to remind his friends how important a community of faith can be. When we are unified in the faith, we fight against the enemy together.
Making It Personal
How much of your life does faith cover? Where does the enemy try to get behind your shield? Who is in your army?
Making It Personal Kids
How can faith keep you safe from the devil’s attacks on what you believe about Jesus? Who do you think is a soldier you can trust to be by your side? Why do you trust them?
Closing Prayer
Father, we confess our faith isn’t always as big as it should be. Help us grow in our faith and to trust the believers around us. In Jesus’ name, amen.