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Away to Prep School

Writer: East Martin CRCEast Martin CRC

Genesis 39:1-12

Verse 2  The Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master.


    As a seventeen year old, being sold into slavery would not have been something Joseph saw as a good thing in his life.  He had no idea what was coming for him and having grown up with servants around he would have known the long hours and work that was expected of them.  He had some time to think about that on his trip to Egypt, as well as other things.


    Upon arrival in Egypt Joseph finds himself in a pretty good place.  He had been sold into a place where he could really shine.  Working for the captain of the palace guard would have been like being the personal assistant to the head of White House Secret Service.  Though still young, God was placing Joseph in a position to become familiar with the running of the palace and the culture of Egypt.  He would have been learning the lingo and do’s and don’ts of palace etiquette.


    All of this was happening because of God’s big picture work.  He knew what was coming and what Joseph needed to learn to be effective for Him in the future.  But it wasn’t only Joseph who was learning, the officials were getting to know the young man but more importantly, they were getting to see God’s favor on him.


    It goes without saying how Joseph benefitting from God would bring benefits to those he worked for as well.  Potiphar saw how this could benefit him personally and so he put Joseph in charge of all of his household.  Joseph was more or less the head of security for the head of security.  Potiphar felt like he could focus more fully on his job knowing his house and family were safe with Joseph.


    God’s favor wasn’t randomly placed on Joseph.  As we read how Potiphar’s house was a place of temptation for Joseph we see him show the depth of his relationship with God.  Joseph was trustworthy because he was totally committed to God and His ways.  Joseph was willing to run out leaving his cloak behind to keep his position with God and Potiphar.  God was wanting to use Joseph in a big way and so it was important for God to grow him in knowledge and character.


Making It Personal

    How has God used situations in your life to teach you what you would need later?  Have you thanked Him for teaching you what you needed to know?  How could knowing you are learning something for later help you accept hardships when they come your way?


Making It Personal Kids

    Have you ever learned something in one situation that helped you in another?  What are some things God may be trying to teach you for the future?  How eager are you to learn the lessons He wants you to learn?


Closing Prayer

    Father, thank You for having the big picture in mind and guiding us to learn things we will need in the future.  Give us learnering hearts so we can have the needed knowledge for where You are taking us in the future.  In Jesus’ name, amen.




East Martin Christian Reformed Church

510 118th Ave

Martin, MI 49070


© 2017 East Martin CRC

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