Copyright by Freedom in Christ, used with permission.
I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
Forgiveness is a choice that you can make. So often we feel that we just can’t do it but this is a lie that we get fed by Satan who wants us to hold onto our unforgiveness so that he can keep his footholds in our lives. If you are feeling that you can't forgive someone, remember that God wouldn’t ask you to do something that was impossible. He just isn’t like that!
Forgiveness is a choice that you make, not something you feel. It is only making that choice that enables emotional healing to begin. It may take time, but God can heal the deepest emotional pain. The Steps To Freedom In Christ will give you an opportunity to make that choice, and it can be really helpful to have a landmark date to look back on when you know that you chose to forgive particular people.
Ask God for strength and courage to forgive when He asks you to. Remember He is a loving father who only asks you to do what is best for you!