Copyright by Freedom in Christ, used with permission.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by a particular stronghold that you have identified? So much that you have not done anything about it yet? It is quite normal to feel things like, “This is just too big to ever get over,” or, “This may work for everyone else but it won’t for me,” or, “I’ve tried addressing this issue before and failed, I just don’t believe this time is going to be any different.”
Don’t forget what you learned in Session 5: you have an enemy who doesn’t want you to be free and fruitful, who will do everything possible to prevent you from living a life close to God, overflowing with joy and peace. He’ll throw all sorts of negative thoughts your way to try and stop you from doing a stronghold-buster. Finding it difficult to get started is probably a good indication that this is an important stronghold you need to address!
It can be hard to make the first step in dealing with your strongholds. Sometimes, remaining in familiar bondage feels easier than starting to think about issues which can be painful and difficult.
If you know this applies to you, take some kind of first step TODAY! This could be setting aside some time to start writing your stronghold-buster, or simply contacting someone (perhaps your course leaders) and asking for some help to get going.
However hard it feels and however much you would rather not......just do it! It will be SO worth it!