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Happy Together

Writer's picture: East Martin CRCEast Martin CRC

Acts 2:42-47

Verse 46  Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts.  They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,


    We mentioned in our time together yesterday how knowing each other’s needs depends on relationships which are healthy enough to include being vulnerable.  Building those types of relationships take time and effort on both parties part.  For those kind of relationships to happen in the larger scale of the Church requires the same type of effort.


    The church families we are familiar with may not have the same level of relationship the early Church did.  Especially in America where it is tradition for some to go to worship on Sunday.  These people were part of this blossoming community because they wanted to be in it.  They weren’t just going because that is what they had always done or because they knew they should, they joined because they wanted to be a part of the mission going forward, together.


    Their desire to be together with other believers drew them together every day.  They were doing life together, it wasn’t about seeing each other once a week with a “hi” before service and a “have a good week” after the benediction.  Unlike the way we go about fellowship with other believers and then build our close relationships outside the church walls, these people were forsaking much of life as they knew it to be together.


    They were joining together with sincere hearts to build the kingdom of God.  The community they were building wasn’t about pleasure and mere fellowship, they were putting together the framework for the Christian community for years to come.  They knew they were part of something big but likely couldn’t have imagined just how big.


    The truth is, if we truly want revival we need to stop playing church and be the Church.  It isn’t about sitting in a pew on Sunday or being on several committees, although both of those can be part of it.  It is knowing Christ as our bridegroom and wanting to present ourselves to Him as the beautiful, caring, serving, loving bride He has called us to be.


Making It Personal

    What is your relationships with the Church like?  How vulnerable do you make yourself to them?  How safe are they being vulnerable with you?


Making It Personal Kids

    What kind of relationships do you have with people in the Church?  Do you feel like you can be real with them?  Can they rely on you?


Closing Prayer

    Father, we repent of not being as invested in the Church family as we should be.  Convict us of ways we are complacent in our faith relationships and give us the courage to be vulnerable with those in our Church family.  In Jesus’ name, amen.


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East Martin Christian Reformed Church

510 118th Ave

Martin, MI 49070

© 2017 East Martin CRC

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