Ephesians 1:15-23
Verse 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people,
Our passage today is part of Paul’s prayer for his friends in Ephesus. He had just explained to them the importance of salvation and the mystery of God. To show the value he put on them knowing this truth he explains his prayers for them on the matter. He wanted them to see with the eyes of their heart – that is the depth of their heart, soul and mind – the truth of salvation.
Verse 18 shows what Paul wanted them to find with the eyes of their hearts. It was important for them, and for us, to know the hope of salvation. It isn’t merely a hope of heaven or a hope we will be saved, this hope is the confident knowledge of our election to His family and army. This prisoner for the Gospel knew more than most what it was like to find hope in salvation. While being in prison was no fun, he knew it was for God’s purpose and would benefit the kingdom of God if he was faithful in what God had given him to do.
Wearing this helmet is a reminder of how though living in hope we are in a battle. The battle doesn’t remove the hope nor does it taint it, it should be growing our hope because we wouldn’t be in this army if we didn’t have this salvation from the Father, through the Son and made alive in us through the Holy Spirit.
Paul wanted his friends to know the joy of this hope and to understand how God has called us to be a part of His army and how it will bring us riches through His glorious inheritance which is in His holy people. Yes, being in this army is part of our inheritance. Salvation isn’t just for us, it is for the rest of God’s called people too.
We need to find hope and joy in the service with other believers, knowing we are all wearing the helmet of salvation. This is one of the things we need to use the helmet for, to protect our knowledge of our salvation and what that means. To protect our knowledge is to not allow the enemy to lie to us about what our salvation is, saying we need to earn it. It is all bought and paid in full that is the truth we know!
Making It Personal
What is your hope in salvation? How do you live out that hope? What does it mean to you that this salvation is for you and other believers?
Making It Personal Kids
What hope do you have in salvation? How does it make you feel that others also have this hope of salvation? How does knowing others have this hope make you want to treat them better?
Closing Prayer
Father, thank You for the hope of salvation. Help us protect it from the lies of the enemy and help us grow in the knowledge of our salvation. In Jesus’ name, amen.