2 Samuel 7:8-17
Verse 9 I have been with you wherever you have gone, and I have cut off all your enemies from before you. Now I will make your name great, like the names of the greatest men on earth.
Now that Nathan had delivered God’s view of a house for Himself, it was time for Nathan to give David God’s personal message and promise. David was talking about building a permanent earthly home for the God of heaven and God was more concerned with the “house” of David’s lineage. David was very earthly minded but God was wanting him to turn his thinking to something outside his human reasoning.
God takes David back to their early days together. The solitude of watching his father’s sheep gave David a great deal of time to think about God and His creation. He learned about leading people by leading sheep and became a warrior by fighting lions, wolves and bears. David learned what it meant to live apart from others and to maneuver through rough terrain.
Then came the day when he was called out from the pasture and brought before the prophet Samuel. It had to have been a shock and slightly confusing to be anointed as king when he was just a boy who hung out with sheep. David would soon learn how his constant practice with his slingshot would bring him an opportunity to show the depth of his faith in the Lord.
God reminding David of His constant being there with him would have sent David on a memory journey, times of one on one communion with the Father, times of personal worship where David was writing songs of praise to the Lord and times of prayers for safety as he watched the sheep. Then there were the times like facing the giant, Goliath, where David had to trust in the Lord in a way which amazed the leaders of God’s earthly army. And times when God had protected him from his various enemies including multiple times with the former king.
Yes, God had done all these things and so many more but God was assuring him that He wasn’t done yet! He had big plans for him and his descendants. Plans that wouldn’t end. These were plans for the king’s earthly descendants that would lead to the King’s eternal kingdom through Jesus. This was more than David could have imagined. It would have been too much for him to comprehend.
Making It Personal
When has God shown you that He has bigger plans for you than you had for yourself? How did He reveal it to you? Are you living to prove Him true?
Making It Personal Kids
What kind of plans might Jesus have for you? What kind of things do you hope He doesn’t want you to be? Are you being the person He wants you to be today?
Closing Prayer
Father, You have designed us for so much more than we are often willing to do. Give us a love for You which leads us to listen and obey, no matter what You are calling us to do. In Jesus’ name, amen.