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Living Like a Dead Dog

Writer's picture: East Martin CRCEast Martin CRC

2 Samuel 9:8

Verse 8 Mephibosheth bowed down and said, “What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?”

Mephibosheth was still considerably young though we know he was an adult because later in the chapter it talks about his young son meaning Jonathan’s son was old enough to marry. Though he was living a relatively normal life, he didn’t consider himself a normal person. We know it isn’t easy for a person with disabilities to live life like the so called normal people. They struggle more with things the rest of us take for granted. But even those of us who seem fine physically, deal with feelings of inadequacy.

While Mephibosheth was able to marry and have a son, he still didn’t have the life of freedom that those around him had. He would see the other men heading off to do the work they had been given to do and he couldn’t join them. He was living with a rich man but another man’s wealth only gets you so far. Other men had things that were their own and there sat poor Mephibosheth unable to do much. He may have been told to stay low so a future king wouldn’t kill him, giving a sense of fear to his life.

Mephibosheth may have found things that he could do despite his being crippled and may even have found some sense of satisfaction in the work but it is obvious by his response to the king that he didn’t have a lofty view of himself. The term dead dog speaks to a sense of being contemptable and useless. He didn’t see why the king would take time for him and knew that if the king wanted something from him, he would have no way of repaying the king’s kindness.

It may have taken Mephibosheth some time to settle into comfort at the king’s table. Even if David was true to his word about the kindness he was offering, how would the sons of David respond to his being there among them? Would he be the butt of a lot of jokes by his fellow diners? How was he going to react if something was said or done to him? How long would this kindness really last?

It is so easy for us, no matter our physical abilities, to look at others and wonder if they see us the same way we see ourselves. Most of us have times of feeling like we are worthless and don’t see why others would give us the time of day. Those who manage to climb out of that dark pit are those who remember their worth isn’t in themselves but in Christ.

Making It Personal

What in your life makes you feel worthless? Is it a truth about you or just how you feel? What does God say is your worth?

Making It Personal Kids

Do you ever feel like you don’t matter to people? What makes you feel that way? What does Jesus think you are worth?

Closing Prayer

Father, thank You for this reminder that we were created with purpose and that You take joy in us. Help us to see ourselves in light of You and Your sacrifice instead of comparing ourselves to those around us. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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510 118th Ave

Martin, MI 49070

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