John 13:36-38
Verse 37 Peter asked, “Lord, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.”
When the Israelites were eating that first Passover meal they were ready to be done with their lives of slavery and felt they would follow God anywhere. They were willing to follow into an unknown wilderness and may have even been excited about what their lives would soon look like. They had never known freedom and could only imagine it was going to be the best life possible. But as soon as they were faced with their first trial they were ready to bail and give up the life they had been so ready to leave everything for.
The disciples had become so familiar with life with Jesus and they loved Him, His telling them they couldn’t come with Him right then had them questioning what they would do next. Would Peter, James, John and Andrew head back to their fishing boats? What would Matthew do? He probably wouldn’t want to go back to tax collecting. While they were questioning what was next Jesus knew they wouldn’t have much time for thinking about those things as their lives were going to change more than they could imagine at that moment.
Peter didn’t want to figure out what was next because he wanted to continue doing what he had been doing, following Jesus wherever He went, so he asked Jesus why he couldn’t go along with Him. Maybe Peter was thinking it was going to be too big an ordeal for the whole group to go along but why couldn’t he go along, surely one more person going on the journey with Him wasn’t going to be that big a deal.
Jesus knew Peter wasn’t going to like what He said next but the younger man needed to know his zeal wasn’t as steadfast as he wanted to believe. The Lord knew Peter’s intentions were as good as they get but he was human and even the strongest human can find it hard to stand in truth when it could mean their life. Jesus also knew that though Peter wouldn’t be able to stand firm in the next 12 hours or so, he would eventually be able to stand and even die for Christ.
Jesus’ love for Peter wasn’t lessened by the knowledge His disciple would deny Him. He didn’t send Peter from His presence as He had done to Judas, but Peter needed a reality check about his humanity. This was a conversation Peter would remember for the rest of his life.
Making It Personal
Have you ever been very sure of yourself and yet when it came down to it you had a hard time doing what you thought you could? Have you ever denied knowing Jesus? Where do you need to stand up for Jesus?
Making It Personal Kids
Have you ever been afraid to say you love Jesus? Is it hard to stand up for what you believe in? Is there something you need to stand up for Jesus about?
Closing Prayer
Father, none of us like to think we would be capable of denying You and yet we are all vulnerable to the pressure of peers. Give us the courage and love for You needed to stand for You every time. In Jesus’ name, amen.