2 Chronicles 7:11-22
Verse 14 …if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
We have learned a lot about revival and what it means to us in the past weeks. As we close out our study about the topic let’s take a quick glance of the various aspects we have talked about so we can keep it fresh in our thoughts. We want to keep it in the forefront of our minds so we can continue moving into it and doing our part to prepare our hearts for what God is wanting to do in and through us.
We talked about how if we want to experience revival in our lives and in the lives of our churches and world, we need to be humble. Unless we see ourselves in light of who God is, we can’t be ready to do anything for Him. When we understand we can do nothing on our own, we will be more willing to depend on the One who alone can bear any burden and do anything He knows needs doing to work out His plan in our lives.
Another thing we need to do is seek the Lord in a very intentional way. It can be so easy to only follow Him half-heartedly, allowing ourselves to glide along doing the bare minimum required. We don’t think it is an issue if we let time alone with God to slip by for a day or so but before we know it we are out of the habit and it has been a month and then a year. If we aren’t intentional about meeting with Him, can we really say we want a revival?
We also learned about the importance of repentance, not just saying we are sorry for our sins but actually mourning them and turning away from them. We can’t really think we want revival if we don’t want it to begin in our own hearts.
We have talked about how important communication with the Father is as we prepare for revival. Prayers of praise, thanksgiving, contrition, and even bringing Him requests which lay heavily on our hearts. He wants to hear from us and wants to speak with us. Our relationship with Him is important to Him and it should be important to us too.
Let us rejoice in the way He is making us alive in Him and let’s look with anticipation to what He is wanting to do in us and the world around us.
Making It Personal
How has God been reviving you? Is the growth you are noticing in your life being noticed by others? Where do you need to spread the joy of revival today?
Making It Personal Kids
Have you noticed yourself becoming more like Jesus lately? Do others see you growing more like Him? Do you know anyone who needs to know Jesus love?
Closing Prayer
Father, we rejoice in the work You are doing in our lives. Continue guiding us in Your ways so we can be Your vessels of revival. Make Yourself known to the world through us. In Jesus’ name, amen.