Acts 2:42-47
Verse 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.
While the early Church was devoted to prayer, eating together, fellowship and listening to the apostles’ teaching, there were things which were happening outside the circle of a few thousand. We mentioned yesterday how part of their prayers were praising God for all He was doing. For revival to happen, the people had to believe the information they were hearing was coming from God. It had been prophesied the Promised One would do wonders and miracles (Isaiah 35:5-6) and He had, but it was now important for His followers to show His power in His absence.
As we mentioned the other day, this list of things were not just things which happened while these people continued in Jerusalem for the festival, they continued back in their hometowns. Throughout the book of Acts we see things which can only be explained as God doing His work through His people. Things like Peter and John calling on Jesus’ name to heal a lame man whom Jesus likely passed many times on His way into the Temple (Acts 3:1-10) or people being healed because Peter’s shadow fell on them as he walked past (Acts 5:15-16).
Those weren’t the only things going on which were supernatural. Earthquakes which opened a jail to bring a suicidal man and his family to know the truth of the Gospel. Or maybe they saw an amazing answer to prayer when an angel walked Peter out of the locked jail without waking the guards he was chained to. Each of these things pointed to who these people were worshiping.
The truth was the awe people were feeling when they saw all these miracles wasn’t directed at these men but was awe of the only One who can truly bring us to a place of pure awe. These miracles weren’t to draw attention to the people who may have appeared to be doing them but were to point people to the God of heaven who was drawing His people to Himself.
This is what makes revival real. We can try all the programs and gimmicks in the world but nothing will reach people for God and spark a revival like seeing His people be different from the world. We may not have the ability to show miracles like the early believers but we do have the same power they had through the Holy Spirt and when we surrender to His will and plan, we too can lead people into a revival.
Making It Personal
What mighty things have you seen God do? What did seeing those things do to your spiritual life? Where would you like to see revival in your life?
Making It Personal Kids
How would you describe a miracle? Have you ever seen a miracle? How could seeing a miracle help you know Jesus better?
Closing Prayer
Father, we repent of not having our eyes open to all You may be doing around us. Help us look for things You are doing so we can tell others. In Jesus’ name, amen.